Quick calm: The power of 3 minute mindful breathing meditation for anxiety relief

3 minute mindful breathing meditation for anxiety relief

3 minute mindful breathing meditation for anxiety relief : We constantly try to avoid the noise, which sometimes lead to forgetting something.

Why I am in the kitchen? Where did I put my phone? I don’t know.

We frequently get distracted. Never stop thinking and due to rapid growth in this habit, it may lead to anxiety or even panic attacks. This is why it’s so important to take short but frequent pauses throughout the day to refocus and get back to the present moment.

The 3 minute mindful breathing meditation for anxiety relief is meant to help you in getting out of autopilot mode and coming back to present moment so that you may react to difficult situations with greater expertise. This practice aims to create more space so that one can respond with more perspective rather than to eliminate negative feelings.

Furthermore, this exercise will keep you safer and eliminate the overwhelmed feeling that often accompanies anxiety and panic.

Quick calm: The power of 3 minute mindful breathing meditation for anxiety relief

Step by step guide for quick calm in 3 minute mindful breathing meditation

Step 1

Either take a seat or stand tall. Give your eyes a break. Your jaw should be relaxed. As you begin to concentrate on your breathing, allow your shoulders to drop down your back.

Step 2

Notice what is happening to you at this moment.
Whatever ideas might be present
Whatever thoughts or sentiments…any bodily sensations

Simply becoming aware of your internal weather pattern at this moment
For a short while longer, keep your mind open to this.

Try your hardest to let go of the inclination we all have to wish things were different from as they are at this moment and allowing your mind and body to be exactly as they are at this moment.

Step 3

Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your belly with air. Then, breathe completely out through your nose.

Focus on your breath as you inhale and exhale from your stomach. Avoid attempting to alter the breath beyond its natural state. Just concentrate on the feelings of the inhale and exhale and if the mind becomes distracted, gently bring it back to the breath and the sensations of breathing.

Step 4

Focus on the entire body, as if it were breathing. You can feel sensations throughout your body, including the top of your head, toes, fingers, skin, and internal organs. Aware of the entire range of sensations in the body.

Allow sensations to be exactly as they are, without attempting to change them. A sense of openness to what is there right now. Allowing yourself to be fully present moment by moment, breath by breath.

At a certain point, start moving your fingers and toes and opening your eyes if closed…and resume your daily routines.

This 3 minute mindful breathing meditation for anxiety relief allows you to get out of autopilot mode and reconnect with the current moment.

Watch this video for more information:

Practice it daily, even if just for 3 minutes. Consistency is key.

Absolutely! Mindful breathing can be practiced in various settings, making it a convenient tool for anxiety relief.

You can use the 3-3-3 rule breathing technique. Inhale for three seconds, then hold for three seconds before exhaling for three seconds. This is a simple activity you may perform at your workplace or in a stressful circumstance to instantly reduce your anxiety levels and take control of your emotions.

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